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Projects using AggPas:

True BoxShot
Creation of a 3D style software box cover images to market software products on the web.
Object Pascal related web sites:

Mature cross platform professional Object Pascal compiler.
The Free Country
Free Programmers' Resources, Free Webmasters' Resources, Free Security Resources, Free Software.
Torry's Delphi Pages
Pascal Central
Supports Pascal developers world-wide, simply for the love of the language.
Delphi Super Page & Search Engine
File repository (unique compilation of files), mostly devoted for Borland Delphi & C++Builder.
Delphi/Kylix, VB/ActiveX, Java, .NET resources for developers. Components, libraries and tools downloads, books, forums, resources directory.
Delphi Source
Delphi Components and Utilities.
Delphi ABC
Site for all Delphi, Kylix and C++Builder developers.
Marco Cantu
Guru in C++ and Delphi. Author of books on Delphi and C++.
Delphi Tips
Visual Builder
Online community for developers and people working in IT to connect with each other. The site allows people to find answers, share knowledge, articles, source code, tips, news and components.
About.com: Delphi Programming
Comprehensive resource to Delphi programming.
The Premier Source for Delphi Developers !
Programmers' Heaven
The most complete online source to download free programming files, source code, tools and more for a whole range of languages and technologies, including VB, C/C++/C#, .NET and Java. We have over 25,000 resources for you to explore !
Delphi 3000
Web-knowledge-database for Borland Delphi developers.
Delphi Pages
The Delphi Corner
Content-oriented site focused on providing written information through tips and articles and technical support.
Delphi Feeds
Collection of many different feeds from blogs, newsgroups and other Delphi sites.
Joint Endeavor of Delphi Innovators
Delphi Resources

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2006 - 2008 © Milan Marusinec alias Milano